Sunday, October 27, 2013

Where on the transparency does cloning occur?

Again, not being able to see the transparency you are referring to, I can only assume what you are asking.  I know that when we discuss cell division, like binary fission, it is often compared to cloning.  For instance, when bacteria divide after exchanging genetic information (transformation) it is like cloning, because now you have two identically genetic organisms.  When we discuss the lysogenic cycle of virus replication, you could compare cloning to the division of the infected host cell during the inactive phase of the cycle.  Also, any type of asexual reproduction (binary fission, vegetative propogation, budding..etc) could technically be considered cloning.  Usually the term "cloning" is used to refer to the human manipulation of an organism to create a clone, as in the situation of Carbon Copy "CC" the cat or Dolly the sheep. 

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