Friday, October 11, 2013

Was Romeo really in love with Juliet or was he just using her to get over Rosaline?

I agree with the previous answer that was given, however, there is more to be considered here. Juliet is only 13 years old and Romeo himself not much older. In the simplest form, Romeo believes he is in love with Juliet but this comes rather quickly.

The play takes place over 5 days and during Act I, Romeo professes his love, not for Juliet, but for Rosseline. He is depressed and his parents, Mercutio and Benvolio worry that he is being moody and too romantic. Rosseline cannot be with Romeo since she has sworn an oath of chastity. It is Mercutio who suggests crashing the Capulet party and it is there that Romeo sees Juliet and "falls" in love with her. In reality, he has only seen her for a few minutes and can not possibly know anything about her. In Act II scene ii on the balcony, Romeo professes his "love" for Juliet after knowing her only a few hours.

So, does Romeo really love Juliet? The answer is that he thinks he is. Is that enough? That is where Shakespeare leaves it open to interpretation by the viewer/reader.

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