Thursday, February 6, 2014

In "To Kill a Mockingbird" how does Atticus demonstrate compassion throughout the book?

There are many different examples of Atticus's compassion.  One is the fact that he took the Tom Robinson case, a case that he knew he would lose and that would turn many people against him.  But he knew that Tom was innocent, and so had compassion on him.  Throughout the novel he was also a constant advocate of Boo's privacy.  He lectures the kids about bugging him too much, and doesn't give in to their curious questions about him.  In the end, he has compassion on Boo and agrees with Heck on the story of how Bob Ewell died, which might not have been the truth.  But because of his compassion, he lies to protect Boo from any repercussions.  Other examples of compassion:  he goes personally to tell Tom's wife when he had been shot; he is gracious and helpful to the surly Mrs. Dubose as she went through a difficult time before her death; and he allows Dill to stay with them for a while after he ran away.

Those are just a few of the examples of Atticus and his compassion in the story.  He is a great example of how to show kindness and charity in difficult situations, and that is evident in many of his actions in the book.

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