Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What is the definition of a good manager?Management has become an important discipline today and manager at any level in the organization palys a...

Management and manager are two very popular words. A massive amount of research is carried out about them, and thousands of new books are published on various types and aspects of management every year all over the world. Yet the there is no consensus among authors and experts about a concise yet all inclusive definition of management.

Yes, we know in general what management is, who is and who is not a manager, and what type of work manager do. But we cannot describe managers in a way that covers everything that can be yet excludes everything they are not supposed to be. In short, we cannot define the term manager with the kind of precision generally associated with definition. However, I will try to describe in short what managers do which distinguishes them from all other professions.

We find managers in every organization and in every type of activity. There is no work where managers are not present, or at least, cannot contribute. In such a vast variety of work what is the common contribution of managers? I can think of only one appropriate answer: Effectiveness. Whatever the organization or work managed, the managers are responsible for ensuring that the organization and the activities performed by it produced the desired result, that they achieve the intended objectives.

Once we agree on the above description of core work of managers, we can say good managers are managers who achieve good results for the organizations and work managed by them.

Authors and experts ave identified many personal qualities and work skills that are generally found in good managers. But the presence of these qualities and skills in itself does not qualify a person as good manager. It is the quality of the result produced, that differentiates good managers from others.

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