Monday, February 15, 2016

Give an example from the following paragraph of satire that is aimed at someone or something other than the government."The excitement died down in...

"A certain German art expert, who had obtained from the municipality of Bergamo permission to inspect the famous masterpiece, declared it to be a spurious Pincini, probably the work of some pupil whom he had employed in his declining years. The evidence of Deplis on the subject was obviously worthless, as he had been under the influence of the customary narcotics during the long process of pricking in the design. "

This quote from The Background is satire because it downplays the importance, or judgement of the so-called experts in the field of art.  Saki had been criticized a great deal about his different writing styles throughout his career.  This quote seems to be a jab at critics.  The art critic says the artwork of the tattoo on Deplis' back was not by Picini, but a student of his.  When Delpis tries to defend the art work by saying he was there when it was done, the art critic says that he couldn't be sure who did the work because he was sedated. 

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