Wednesday, February 24, 2016

List some of President Wilson's proposals for creating a truly just and lasting peace. Why did he feel the need to develop these proposals? List...

President Woodrow Wilson through his “Fourteen Points” proposed ways in which international peace would be achieved. Some of his proposals include:

a. Freedom of the seas unless otherwise agreed upon internationally

b. Application of diplomacy in all dealings, with secret treaties and negotiations put to an end

c. Arms reduction by all nations to a level sufficient for domestic safety

d. Removal of all economic barriers and establishment of free and equal trade

e. Establishment of an international forum where countries would openly discuss their grievances and find solutions without resorting to war

Wilson believed that the only way to secure peace was through global cooperation and justice. He also knew that the other Allied nations were only interested in punishing and crippling Germany after the World War, a condition which Wilson predicted would only breed grounds for another war in the near future. He therefore felt compelled to lay down morally informed methods through which a just and lasting peace could be attained worldwide.

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