Sunday, June 22, 2014

Give an example of how Newspeak aimed to erase some words from the language. Would destruction of the word cause thoughts to be not expressed?The...

The idea that language shapes our thoughts completely, determining what we can and can't think about, is called "linguistic determinism." The state in "1984" is very much a proponent of this theory, and uses Newspeak to drive older concepts out of existence, so that eventually all independent thought, and then all thought, will become impossible.  I don't think it will work—both language and the human spirit regenerate—but I think it is possible to do a lot of damage to a lot of people trying to make it work. An example of this is the way Newspeak deals with qualitative judgments: "ungood" or even "doubleplusungood." These would get rid of "bad" and "terrible."

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