Saturday, June 14, 2014

Give an account of Scout's first day at school and explain in what ways it was an ordeal for Miss Caroline Fisher, too.In Harper Lee's 'To Kill a...

Burris Ewell probably represented the biggest ordeal for Miss Caroline Fisher on the first day of school. The Ewells are the poorest family in town, and Burris reflects their ignorance: He tells Miss Fisher that he hadn't "planned on staying" anyway, just before calling her a slut and insulting her prior to his permanent departure.

The students explain to Miss Caroline that the Ewells had only shown up to the first day of school for as long as anyone could remember, and that she was to mark them absent for the rest of the year. The "truant lady" never bothered going out to the Ewells' to fetch any of the kids after the first day of school, as no one had high expectations of any of them.

Miss Caroline also has to learn about the proud poverty of the Cunninghams, as Walter refuses the quarter offered to buy him lunch. Scout serves as witness to all these lessons, as she is our narrator while also being a character.

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