Saturday, September 7, 2013

What exactly is a reading response letter? (I am in 5th grade.)it is something my teacher here in Pennsylvania assigned and we did not have these...

I am a fifth grade teacher in IL, and I assign Reader's Response letters to my students on a weekly basis.  I agree that you should ask your teacher to be sure.  However, what I look for is  a piece of writing written in letter format that contains your thoughts about the book you are currently reading.  I require my students to tell me about what strategies they used while they were reading.  For example, questions, predictions, connections, ect. 

Your letter might look like this:

Dear Miss Teacher,

The book I am reading is Oddkins by Dean Koontz.  This is a fable about a set of good and evil toys that are both trying to gain control of a toy shop.  One strategy I used to help me better understand this book was visualizing.  When Amos and the other Oddkins were trying to escape from the department store I imagined their route.  This helped me to understand how scared they were. 



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