Saturday, October 18, 2014

Who are the five people Eddie meets in Mitch Albom's novel "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" and why are they important?

The five people Eddie meets are (in order): the Blue Man, the Captain, Ruby, Marguerite and Tala. Each person is important because they capture a part of Eddie's life in a snapshot. Their lives helped make him who he became.

The Blue Man: Eddie was partially responsible for the Blue Man's death. Eddie learns that humans are all connected in one way or another.

The Captain: Eddie's time in war taught him many life lessons. Meeting the Captain allowed Eddie to learn the truth of his injury, but also the truth about how the Captain died. The lesson Eddie learned from him was sacrifice.

Ruby: Although Ruby wasn't alive during Eddie's time at Ruby Pier, his life would have been much different without the existence of the park his father and Eddie worked at their entire lives. Ruby teaches Eddie to forgive, particularly his father.

Marguerite: The shining light in Eddie's life was his love, Maruerite. She appeared in his heaven to remind him that the love he felt for her was an eternal love.

Tala: Another one of the consequences of Eddie's decisions in war was the lost of Tala's life. Although she passed away, Eddie died saving another little girl. Tala helped Eddie learn what his life purpose was.

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