Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Can you please tell me what this quote means "The bravest of individuals is one who obeys his or her conscience?" Support this quote with three...

The quote is saying that sometimes the hardest thing to do is to listen to your conscience (that inner voice that tells you what is right and wrong) rather than to go along with what everyone else is doing.  People (in books and in life) are frequently tempted to follow the lead of others, which is often not brave at all.  Instead, sometimes a character is more brave when they challenge what others are saying or doing, and act on their own, choosing to do what the believe is right, regardless of the potential consequences.

In tackling this topic, look back over the stories you have read and identify three characters who chose to do what they believed was right, even though there was some risk in doing so.  (The risk might have been to their physical well being, as in Nazi Germany when people who spoke out could be killed, or, it could be emotional, as in a student who speaks out against a bully who is popular an may then lose all of his or her friends.)  Identify what their conscience told them to do, and why doing so was so brave, and then find a quote to support each example. This will become the body of your analysis.

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