Friday, April 26, 2013

In "To Kill a Mockingbird" what 3 character traits have you noticed about Scout that are likely to make her life hard?

1.  Stubbornness.  How many times in the story did Jem insist that she stay put and she absolutely refused?  This got her into trouble over and over again, and made her life harder.  However, hopefully as she matures, she will be stubborn about the right things, like Atticus is, and it will end up being to her credit.

2.  Tomboyishness.  She will eventually, as she admits at the missionary circle, have to "soon enter this world", meaning the world of a lady.  She fights it though, and as a result earns people's scorn and judgment, including many townfolk and Aunt Alexandra.  Later this could be hard for her as she tries to fit in with girls her age, as Jem eventually moves out of her sphere of friendship.  It will be a rough transition for her, but hopefully she can make it with few hiccups.

3.  Always speaking what is on her mind, with no regard for social tact.  We see Scout do this many times throughout the book, blurt out questions, judgments, perspectives and attitudes without even thinking beforehand whether it's the right time or place.  This gets her into awkward and troublesome sitiuations, and could potentially earn her enemies in the future, when people can't pass it off because she is young.  However, it is what gives her much of her charm in the book, and I find her forthrightness refreshing.  :)

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