Monday, October 8, 2012

I have to make a 20 minute presentation about the setting in "The Great Gatsby". Unfortunately.....My speech would take around 3 minutes. I’m...

There are three main settings you can focus on in your presentation.  First there is the West Egg.  This represents all of the old money that was either earned long ago or passed down from generation to generation.  You could make this applicable to today.  Who (in the area where you live) would fit this description?  Maybe give an example of "old money" from Hollywood.  Any of those examples would fit that setting.

Another setting is the East Egg.  This is the new money where people waste, they lie, and they have no disregard for anyone but themselves.  Think again of where you live and who would fit that description.  (if that's possible--don't name names!) Usually all communities have relatively "new money" in their areas. Perhaps you could use an example for Hollywood (or professional athletes) who make mistakes with their new-found wealth and fame and try to get away with it.

A third setting is the Valley of Ashes.  This is where all of the rich dump their waste.  All that they do and discard ends up there with those in the Valley of Ashes.  (mostly ashes--since they burned coal in the novel's era) But you could talk about the people who live in such situations today--even on movies--you could even explain how they got to that point.  Loss of job?  Illness?  Laziness?  Single parents who barely make ends meet, etc.  Good luck!  You can easily fill that time with comparisons!

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