Monday, February 27, 2012

In "The Monkey's Paw," what are the types of conflict and some examples of each?

Two main conflicts make up the story: man vs. fate and man vs. man.

In wishing on the monkey's paw to receive a sum of money, the Whites attempt to control fate. Their wish comes true, but tragically through the death of their son Herbert. They receive the money, but in no way did they control their fate.

At the conclusion of the story, Mrs. Smith wants to use the monkey's paw again, this time to wish their son back to life. Mr. Smith opposes this vehemently, but finally gives in to her desperate plan. This sets the stage for the final conflict. When it seems that Herbert, out of his grave, stands on their porch, knocking to come in, Mrs. Smith struggles to unbolt the door to let him in, but her husband struggles to find the monkey's paw to make a third wish, that Herbert go back to his grave. Mr. Smith wins this conflict as Herbert suddenly disappears.

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