Monday, December 14, 2015

In "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe. In what ways does Okonkwo compensate for his father's weaknesses?

To tackle this question, you will want to take three steps.

One: identify at least three weaknesses that Unoka possesses (keeping in mind that "weakness" is in the eye of the beholder and in the eye of one's culture). What has Unoka accomplished -- or not accomplished? What has Unoka neglected? (Chapter 1 has several excellent examples that will help you.)

Two: examine Okonkwo's actions. At the end of chapter one, you will find a brief list of Okonkwo's choices in his life that are in direct opposition to his father. Then, look forward into chapter two, beginning in the section, "Okonkwo ruled his household with a heavy hand..." to find some more examples of actions that extend from those mentioned in chapter one.

Three: elaborate on these examples by explaining how these represent "compensation." To compensate means to counterbalance or make up for. How do Okonkwo's actions show that he is trying to be the opposite or make good for his father's weaknesses? A strong, elaborative answer will also evaluate Okonkwo's choices in light of the wisdom, emotional health, and ethics. What motivates Okonkwo to compensate for his father, and is this movitation smart, sound, and moral? In other words, does Okonkwo compensate for the right reasons? In your answer, take time to evaluate the compensation in light of psychology and ethics.

As you read the book (or if you have already finished it) keep in mind that you will want to look at the consequences of Okonkwo's choices (of his compensation) and see how things pan out for him. Was his course of action wise, healthy, and moral?

Keep in mind cultural mores of the Ibo in early 20th century Nigeria vis-a-vis modern American mores. Today's American citizen might judge Okonkwo differently in some ways and similarly in those who live in Umuofia.

Good luck!

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