Wednesday, June 24, 2015

In Lord of the Flies, which of the littluns is missing after the fire? When the boys start the fire for the very first time and the island catches...

The boys light a fire on top of the mountain with the idea of making a signal that can be seen by anyone passing by. Ralph hopes that this will make it possible for them to be rescued. Like boys anywhere might though, they get carried away and make the fire far bigger than they need to. At one point, it spreads and begins to burn down the hillside.

Though it is never certain, they believe that the boy with the mulberry colored birthmark died in the fire since no one sees him again. It is at this point that Piggy tries to emphasize again the importance of making a list of names, but he is basically ignored, as usual. No one even knows the name of the boy with the birthmark and so they just continue on.

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