Sunday, November 25, 2012

In "Fahrenheit 451", why does Montag plant the book at Black's house?

Montag leaves the book at Black's house as Montag is on the run after having killed Beatty.  Earlier, when Montag had gone to Faber's house to talk to Faber about books and how to bring down the anti-book society, Montag's plan was to plant books in the homes of firemen, thus bringing about the end of the society from within (a salamander devouring its own tail). Montag believed that if those who were in charge of enforcing the law were found in violation of the law, then the laws would topple.  By the time Montag plants the book at Black's house, though, this plan is obviously not going to come about, so Montag's planting of the book at the home of a fellow fireman is more of a symbolic gesture at this point. The society is coming apart from within but not because of books being found in the homes of firemen - the people themselves, through their own lack of knowledge and intelligence, are bringing down the society in the form of the war that is about to open up.  This is what Bradbury is telling the reader, that reading and being aware are essential to maintaining a society.

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