Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1. C(4,4) , D(-2,-8) #1) find the slope of the line that passes through each pair of points

1. The slope of the line which passes through points C and D could be found using the formula:

(YD-YC)/(XD-XC), where

YD=-8; YC=4

XD=-2; XC=4, so


2.  The explicit equation of a line, given by the slope and the ordinate at origin is:

y=mx + n , where m-slope and n-odinate at origin

In this case, the equation is y=-2x.

So, from these two equations, it results the next statement:

-2x=mx + n

Two expressions are equivalent, if all the terms from the left side of equal sign are the same with all the terms from the right side of the equal sign, so:

m=-2 and n=0

3. Taking account of the explicit equation of a line:

y=mx + n,

We are trying to put both equations in this form:

a)  y=3/4 x, is a linear function, because the two variables,x and y, are at first power and m=3/4 and n=0

b) y=-3/2 x + 6, also a liner function, regarding what I've said at a), and m=-3/ and n=6

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