Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In Julius Caesar, what are the similarities and differences between Brutus and Caesar? Who is the protagonist?

To find out the similarities and dissimilarities among Caesar and Brutus, we should first focus on the points that divide them in two characters and also classify them individually:



Character Overview: Julius Caesar is the central figure of this play. Yet he doesn’t play any important role that affects or influences the play in any way. Caesar is a character who is sometimes reasonable, sometimes superstitious, sometimes compassionate, and sometimes arrogantly unfriendly. Caesar openly displays a tendency to ignore superstitious warnings and signs that should alert a man of his beliefs. Caesar thinks himself a demigod. He even comes to think of himself older and more terrible even than "danger." His sense of superiority to his fellow humans, as well as his ambition to be a king, ultimately prevents him from observing and reasoning clearly. Caesar is a practicable character in the play who continues to be a role in the play even after his assassination as a warning spirit.

Some points(as questions) focusing on his character:

1 His strengths

(a) What were his achievements as a soldier, general, dictator, patrician, and a nobleman?

(b) How did most of the common folks of Rome look upon him?

2 His ambition

(a) What evidences are there to show that Caesar desired to become King of the Romans?

3 His weaknesses

(a)What physical illness did Caesar suffer from?

(b) How did Caesar allow himself to be persuaded by Decius to go to the capitol where he was murdered? Observe the points, below–

(i) He(Decius) dismissed his superstitious fears by interpreting Calphurnia’s dream in a flattering way.

(ii) He(Decius) appealed to his feelings by saying that he had heard about the Senate’s decision.

(iii) He(Decius) appealed to his pride by suggesting that Caesar would be called a coward.



Character Overview: Brutus is the most complex character in the play “Julius Caesar”. He is proud of his reputation for honor and nobleness, but he is not practical. He made his behavior to fit a strict moral and ethical code, but he took actions that are unconsciously hypocritical. While he loved Caesar, he opposed the ascension of any single man to the position of a dictator. He was a supporter of the republic who strongly believed in a government guided by the votes of senators. While all the other conspirators acted out of envy and rivalry, only Brutus truly believed that Caesar’s death would truly benefit Rome. Torn between his loyalty to Caesar and his obedience to the state, he became the tragic hero of this story.

Some points focusing on his character:

1 His strengths

(a) Brutus was thought to be a noble character by friends and enemies alike. Consider the following areas:

(i) How he treated his friends

(ii) Why the conspirators needed him

(iii) What Brutus himself wanted

(iv) How Caesar looked upon him

(v) What Antonio said of him at his death

2 His weaknesses

Though, still having some positive sides; however, he had serious weaknesses which brought about his downfall and also affected the outcome of the conspiracy. His idealism made him blind to political realities and he made many mistakes of judgement. His lack of political acumen caused him to make unfateful decisions. He overrode Cassius on many occasions although Cassius had a better sense of political reality. Observe some of more of his weak points, given below-

(a) A proud man in some areas like….

(i) When Casius compared him with Caesar, then he said that …..

(ii) He believed in his own judgements even when Cassius had better ones regarding Mark Antony as well as their battle strategy

(b) Too idealistic like….

(i) He saw the killing of Caesar as carving a dish for the gods.

(ii) He explained to the crowd that he killed Caesar because he was ambitious, without giving any supportive proofs.

(iii) He explained to his friends that killing Mark Antony is not necessary because he said that Mark Antony was only a limb of Caesar’s and when they have cut the head off then why cut limbs off, as well.

(c) Too honest – Thatswhy could be easily influenced by others

(d) Too trusty – for that he revealed his negative thoughts to Cassius and he on the other hand, betrayed him and played on his fears and weaknesses


So, after observing their individual characters and some points focusing on their characteristics, I can summarize the similarities and dissimilarities among them

- -> Similarities between Brutus and Caesar

Both are popular and influential - Brutus and Caesar both were similarly honored by the people of Rome. Though, Caesar was more popular and honored by the Romans. They had numerous loyal followers. They were enough powerful and were great politicians.

Both have the disability of making correct decisions – Both Caesar and Brutus died in the last because of making unfateful decisions. Though; Caesar really was a very sensible person and usually made accurate decisions but, because of being a too realistic, he did not care much for superstitions and thus decides to disobey Calphurnia’s pleas; which resulted in his death. But, Brutus as we see from the beginning of the play, always keeps taking wrong decisions, in which resulted on his death.

Both were deceived and manipulated by their trusted friends – This is one of their greatest similarities in the story that happens to them in the same degree (amount). Caesar is betrayed by Brutus-his trusty friend and other trusted ones (though, Antonio and his nephew-Octavius remain at his side). Brutus is betrayed by his much-loved wife’s brother-Cassius. Cassius destroyed his life by fooling him. He made him think that the people did not want Caesar as their leader and that he was ambitious and would make Rome miserable. In this way, he made him kill Caesar by making a conspiracy (against him) and also made him betray Caesar. At the end, when Brutus realizes it, however he fell into despair and after losing the battle with Antonio and Octavius; he took the choice of suicide. Really, Cassius is the main pulp (referring to the main cause) for these unwanted events to take place.

-> Dissimilarities between Brutus and Caesar

Had different characteristics and mentality

• Had different interests

• Had different motives

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