Monday, March 26, 2012

Please define these terms: body paragraph, introductory paragraph, Desciptive essay, Narrative essay, Argumentative essay

Introductory Paragraph sets the tone by stating the main topic of the essay in a topic sentence and hinting at the writer's stance on the topic. It may include an anecdote, quotation or background information to lightly highlight the topic to the readers.

Body Paragraph usually three or more, gives supporting details to the topic put forward in the introduction. 

Descriptive Essay expresses the characteristics of an object such as what it looks like, the sounds it makes, and what it feels, smells and tastes like. It appeals to the five senses of the reader through the use of literary devices: imagery, comparison and spacial words.

Narrative Essay seeks to present an event to the reader as if they were there witnessing the incident. In order to check if an article is a narrative one should be able to answer the following: how, what, where, when, who. Essentially one should be able to recount what happened at a particular event. It uses devices such as transitional words/phrases, definition, cause and effect and examples.

Persuasive/Argumentative Essay is an attempt to convince or persuade a reader that a particular topic/subject is true by means of appeal to reason or emotion. In order to check if an article is argumentative one should be able to cite evidence from the essay.

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