Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In "A Rose for Emily" what are two examples of Faulkner clearly marking a change in time?

The story is told in the form of a flashback. Miss Emily has died at the beginning of the story, but to understand what happens after her death, we have to go back into her past. We also have to understand the social/historical changes that Faulkner uses. First, we have the description of Miss Emily confronting the townsmen who have come to demand her taxes. With our modern concept of property taxes, it would never occur to any of us to question the idea that she must pat what is owed to the county in order to keep her land. But, to understand her refusal, we have to understand first the role of the Southern gentleman. When Colonel Sartoris tells her after the death of her father that she will owe no taxes, he is "taking care" of this helpless orphaned young woman. Neither he nor anyone else of his generation would question the fact that Miss Emily is to be cared for in this way. Of course, no one lives forever, nor did the idea of one man being powerful enough to make such a decree. As far as she was concerned, the Colonel's word was his bond; therefore, she need never concern herself with taxes. In Miss Emily's world, when a gentleman gave his word it was not cancelled by something as mundane as his death.

Another example of time changing in the story revolves around Miss Emily and her "china painting" classes. There were very few occupations that a "lady" of her social standing could participate in and still retain the status of a lady according to the social rules of the time. Faulkner points out that all of the young ladies of a certain period were sent to Miss Emily to learn this delicate art because that is what refined young women did, but as time passed, the art was not one that modern women found pleasure or interest in. As her students drifted away, Miss Emily remained, caught in the time capsule of her youth and bound by the social rules that she was raised with.

Then, we have the man-servant. For years he not only cared for Miss Emily's home, but he also kept her secret. There was no way that he didn't know about Homer's rotting corpse in the bedroom at the top of the stairs. But, because his obligation, his loyalty was to Miss Emily, he would never reveal what he knew. That kind of loyalty from a paid servant, one who was most likely the child of slave parents is not one that we understand today. But it was his loyalty that kept her secret. When she died, he continued with this loyalty by opening the front door and walking out the back, never to be seen again.

You see, the time that Faulkner marks in this story is more than time measured in years, weeks, or days. It is the marking of change measured by time.

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