Thursday, November 19, 2015

Did Juliet fake her death?

Yes - sort of. It's not like she just closes her eyes and lies very still: she's taken a potion which she was given by Friar Laurence, which makes her seem dead. When you've taken this potion, your blood stops pumping, and there's no medical way to tell that you're not dead. But she wakes up after 48 hours.

Juliet gets taken to the tomb, there's a funeral, and then they leave the "dead" body there. And, when Romeo arrives to kill himself (thinking she is actually dead), he arrives only minutes before Juliet wakes up from the drug - knowing nothing about what's happened in the last 48 hours. She sees her husband's body, has a short argument with the Friar (who tries to get her to run for it - and go into a nunnery) - and kills herself. But this time, it isn't a fake.

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