Saturday, August 15, 2015

In Julius Caesar, how does Antony affect the outcome of the assassination?

Caesar's assassination creates an immediate power vacuum in Rome. Antony moves swiftly to grab power and consolidate it for himself. After cleverly turning the crowd against Brutus in his famous funeral oration, Antony takes additional action to achieve his ends.  

When the crowd pours into the streets in pursuit of Brutus and the others, Antony learns that Octavius, Caesar’s nephew, has already arrived in the city. Octavius, along with Lepidus, await Antony at Caesar’s house. Antony replies that Octavius has “come upon a wish,” meaning that Octavius has arrived at the exact time when Antony wants him in Rome. This passage implies that Antony has planned ahead, sending for Octavius and Lepidus prior to Caesar's funeral.

When they meet, Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus immediately condemn to death many Roman senators they perceive to be dangerous to them. They are cold, calculating, and relentless in choosing those to eliminate. Antony ensures that no Roman senator will gain power as a result of Caesar’s assassination.

Antony aligns himself with Octavius because he needs Octavius’ army to pursue the forces of Brutus and Cassius, now in retreat in Greece. By joining forces with Octavius, Antony is able to defeat Brutus and Cassius, forcing them both to commit suicide. Thus Antony, even though he must share power to some extent, manages to fill the power vacuum created by Caesar’s assassination. He determines its outcome.

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