Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why is the Senate considered the "upper house?"

The Senate has certain powers/authorities that the House of Representatives does not.

1. Senate approves presidential appointments (justices/ambassadors). The House does not have any say in these areas.

2. The Senate approves treaties that the President creates (the House has no say in this area.

3. The Senate has 2 representatives from each state and therefore is considered an equal representative system of the 50 states.

4. If the President is impeached by the House, the Senate decides the fate of that President (either found guilty or convicted and therefore removed from office). In other words, the Senate can remove a President from office.

5. Generally Senators often have served in the House of Representatives or state governments. States have multiple Representatives, based on their representatives but only TWO Senators, regardless of population. In other words, in most states, there are fewer Senators than there are Representatives

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