Friday, December 20, 2013

In Chapter 1 of Animal Farm, what is Old Major's main idea? in what different ways does he repeat this idea?

Major's main idea is that the animals will never really proper until humans are removed as their masters and they begin to treat each other equally. He first identifies humans as the enemy to animal prosperity because man is the only creature who consumes food with producing it. He promises that the animals will be free once they get rid of man.

Major then formulates his major points into what will become known as the principles of "Animalism". His first point reinforces his initial idea by saying, "“All men are enemies. All animals are comrades.” He then adds the obvious point that if all animals are comrades, the animals must treat each other equally. They should not imitate men by sleeping in a bed, wearing clothes, drinking, smoking or trading with their human neighbors. At the end, he reinforces his message that all animals are equal and one animal should take advantage of another animal. To reinforce this thought, he teaches the animals the song "Beasts of England" to help them remember his vision. Unfortunately, three days after giving the speech, Old Major dies in his sleep and his revolution is left in the hands of the pigs.

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