Friday, January 13, 2012

What are bones and joints and what are their functions?

Bone is an organ which is part of the skeletal system. It is made up of two types of tissue that differ in density, namely compact bone and cancellous bone. It has its own blood supply. There are three types of cells that contribute to bone homeostasis - osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteocytes.

The functions of the bone are to provide support to the body, protect vital organs, movement, storage of minerals (mainly calcium and phosphate) and maintain blood calcium level, stem cells present in certain bone marrow bring about blood cell regeneration.

A Joint is where two adjacent bones or cartilages or combinations thereof meet. They provide the mechanism that allows the body to move. They are classified according to their degree of movement as movable, partially movable and immovable joints. The three main parts of a joint are articular cartilage, a bursa or joint capsule and a synovial or joint cavity.

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