Monday, January 24, 2011

What was the political and judicial structure of Ancient Rome?

Rome began as a monarchy, however in 509 B.C.E. The Roman Republic was born. The political structure of the Republic (at its fully developed stage) was not a democracy however,the 'res-republic' when translated meant 'property of the people'. The political and judicial structure within the republic was separated between The Magistrates (officials) and The Senate and The People (SPQR) Senatus-Popalusque-Romanus... 'The Senate and People of Rome'. The specific titles are included below:

The Magistrates

1. Consuls- commander and chief, 1 year term, two

2.Dictator- appointed only in times of crisis

3.Censors- in charge of the census, supervised public morals

4.Praetor-in charge of the courts

5.Quaestor-the 'go-for' in charge of treasury and public records

6.Tribunes-protect the common people (pleblieans) from abuse of patrician power

7.Aediles-maintained public roads,bridges,buildings,and games

The Senate-100 men of patrician class, voting power- job was for life, duties included passing laws,setting requirements regarding judicial matters, advisement, budget, and taxes.

The Cursus Honorum-the well born Roman who climbs the ladder of success

The Priests-represent the state religion, 'The Rex Sacrorum- 'King of Sacred Rites', 'The Pontifics'-college of priets, 'The Pontifex Maximus'-chief priest that oversaw the Vestal Virgins

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